Git clone

By cloning a Git repository (repo) you will create a local (on your computer) Git repository from somewhere else. This repository then contains all the code and commits (history). Depending on how a project is structured -by this I mean the conventions of working together- you want to inform the original repository that you have changes.

More exact info will follow on a way that this process can work. But for starters you have to do the following to obtain a local copy of the repo:

  • Create a Github account

  • Log into your account and go to the user you want to clone a repository from (for this example, use the this documentation tutorial)

  • In github, clone the repository to your own github account by using the Fork button.

  • Open Powershell or any other console.

  • Create/move to a directory in which you want to have this repository.

  • Clone the repository locally by

    git clone

  • Move into the newly created directory, and open the directory with VS Code or open the folder from within VS Code




  • You'll be able to see the project's content. code_view_project